Sunday, November 7, 2010

nilai diri..

"jangan mengukur kebijaksanaan seseorang hanya kerana kepandaiannya berkata-kata tetapi juga perlu dinilai buah fikiran serta tingkah lakunya"

Tri Angga

Tri Angga means "three parts"

  • high
  • middle 
  • low
It can be represented in the human body,building structures, town planning and the environment.  

Tri Angga is the space hierarchy concept

Tri Angga
  • Utama---> bahagian yang diposisikan pada kedudukan yang paling tinggi,( murni, kepala )
  • Madya---> bahagian yang terletak di tengah,( badan, neutral )
  • Nista---> bahagian yang terletak di bahagian bawah( kotor, rendah, kaki )


  • Mandala is the Sanskrit word for circle and symbolizes wholeness. 
  • the basic form of most Mandalas of Hindu and Buddhist is a square with four gates that contains a circle with a center point

  • Mandala reflects eternity and all of nature such as the moon and sun.
  • The visualization of the mandala concept is one of the most significant contributions of Buddhism to religious psychology. 

  • White - Vairocana : The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality
  • Yellow - Ratnasambhava : The delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness
  • Red - Amitabha : The delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment
  • Green - Amoghasiddhi : The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment
  • Blue - Akshobvha : The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom
wrathful deities 

sexual imaginary 

peaceful deities 


Angkor Wat is a complex of temples at Angkor,Cambodia. It was built for King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century. He made the temple as a center of government and capital city. This temple was first established since until now the center of Hindu religion. This temple dedicated to Vishnu, the Buddha. This temple was built with the classic style of Khmer architecture. This temple is a symbol of Cambodia.

most beautiful temple in the world

  • Suryavarman II took the throne around 1113 and ruled until 1150. He built Angkor Wat.
  • the estimated time for the construction of the Angkor temple was about 30 years.
  • it has been debated whether Angkor Wat was built as a temple or as a tomb.

  • Angkor Wat temple is an immense monument, occupying a rectangular area of about 500 acres, which is surrounded by a moat that is 600 feet wide
  • Angkor Wat is 213 feet tall, achieved by using three rectangular or square platforms.
  • The ingenious plan allows a view of all five towers only from certain angles. The overall profile imitates a lotus bud.

Bas-reliefs at the temple
  • Angkor Wat temple is most famous with for its Bas-reliefs.
  • The Bas-relief surround the first level of the temple.
  • The reliefs covers the Innermost wall of the first level on all four sides, and covers 12,900 square feet of brilliant sandstone carvings. It extends seven feet from top to bottom.

  • It is estimated that as much stone was used in building Angkor Wat as was used in the great pyramid of Khafre in Egypt.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dou Gong

Dou Gong is a unique interlocking wooden bracketing system and one of the important element in traditional Chinese architecture.

what is Dou Gong?
 Dou is wooden block while Gong is bow-shaped brackets

Dou Gong :
  • consist of many interlocking part of timber to form a bracket
  • the pieces are fit together by joinery alone without use glue or nail
  • multiple interlocking brackets sets are formed by placing a large wooden block on a column to provide a solid base for the bow-shaped brackets that support the beam or another Gong above it
  • this process can repeat many times and rise many stories
^ example of Dou Gong

Dou Gong  was widely used in the ancient Chinese around 770-476 BC and developed into a complex set of interlocking parts by its peak in the Tang and Song Dynasty period

it placed between the top of a column and cross beam

the function is to transmits the weight of the beams or roofs which are above them by transferring the weight to the column

this system helped ancient building to survived for a long time

  • can be found only in the most magnificent buildings such as palace and temple halls
  • the number of layers of these brackets structure depended on the importance of the buildings

  • multiple Dou Gong made these structures very earthquake-resistant
  •  it can hold the wood structure together even though brick walls would collapse in the same earthquake